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Phoenix Chapter

 Welcome! Scroll down  to see page one and click each pink tab to view all 6 pages of our  website for  the Diocese of Phoenix  Magnificat Chapter. Then register online for our  next meal by clicking  the  "more info" pink tab.  :)  

Come join us for a testimony by 

Paul Zucarelli

DATE  Sept 9, 2023

11:15 am – 2:30 pm



Welcome, and thank you for visiting Phoenix Magnificat online. We hope our website gives you a look at what we do, outlining our mission, vision & current "goings on" of our exciting ministry to Catholic (& indeed  all) women!             Please read more about our Phoenix Chapter on this site, or click the link to our international site that has a TON of info on our ministry.  We have great love for  Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Our Blessed Mother & women such as yourself!  Why not  come to lunch? 

Our Mission


We believe that the gathering of women in the name of Jesus, results in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Our sisterhood based on "the visitation" (Luke 1: 39-45) is a REAL sisterhood!  Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our hearts to Mary who visits us bringing Jesus. When we meet with other women in Jesus' name, the Holy Spirit will come to us, just as He came to Mary's cousin Elizabeth.   Through prayer & charity, we seek to follow  the example of these holy women of God. 


"Magnificat Meals" happen 4x a year. We gather for prayer, fellowship & to hear the story or "magnificat" of a woman who gives a testimony that magnifies the name of the Lord. Because of this, we all grow in holiness as women of faith and charity thru the Holy Spirit. Be sure to click the pink tabs above on this page to get info on this meal and more about the ministry of Magnificat in Phoenix

Service Team


We work to put on these meals with many women who combine their time & talent to plan & serve at them for all who come in the Diocese of Phx, AZ. Our venue for our next meal is for men and women at St Saint Steven's Catholic Church 24827 South Dobson Road Sun Lakes, AZ 85248.            Go to MORE INFO tab for info.   Be part of  the team that brings this ministry to other women! The best way to learn about it is to attend a meal.  Tickets ($18.) can be purchased by mail or online. Online sales  at "" Just go to the "more info" page here & click that pink tab above.  Then, the link on that page. Pay by mail info is also on this website.  Easy!    



Do you love Magnificat? WHAT CAN YOU DO to promote this ministry? Invite a friend to join you, & consider being on our team!

We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news of our meals & other local events of interest for Christian women. Enter e-mail below:

This quarter's passage

John 6: 67, 68    So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go?

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