Mission & Vision
Our mission is to be a postive force to bring women closer to God by fostering an atmosphere of prayer worship and sisterly love to Catholic women from every walk of life. We invite our Catholic sisters who seek to grow in holiness. We invite those faithful who may have fallen asleep in their faith & to some who have left the Church. And last but not least, we welcome with open arms, those from other faith traditions (or perhaps no faith at all) to celebrate God's presence with our sisters. We are ALL sisters and daughters of Our Father God. Indeed ALL are welcome to this sweet sisterhood!~

​Women should never be on the outside looking in. We're called to connect women with other women in Christ Jesus! As was the account of "The Visitation" in Holy Scripture, we, like Mary, seek to hurry out to our sisters and bring them the Good News of "EMMANUEL" God is WITH us! In so doing, we too, make manifest, the Holy Spirit in all of His glory! (Praise God!) :)

​As women, we appreciate beauty in the world. Our Magnificat Team works to bring an attractive flair to our testimonial meals while keeping luncheon costs as low as possible so as not to exclude anyone who may not be able to afford a big fancy lunch. We are keeping our price to $15. for the luncheon, music & our speaker who comes in to give her own
personal testimony. Donations beyond the cost of the lunch are accepted if an attendee feels called to support the ministry.

Our Service (Planning) Team
​We are young and old, healthy and not so much, but we are all dedicated to bringing this lovely ministry to Phoenix just for you! We will work hard to please Our Lord Jesus Christ, and to recognize his Mother as we know it pleases Him. It has been said that if we knew all of the little helps we receive each day from Mary, the Mother of Jesus, it would bowl us over! Let us introduce you to the ministry --& we're sure you'll look forward to coming back, too, not only to hear the speakers, but to reconnect with your new friends at each & every special meal! "We'll leave the light on for ya!" ;)